• ソニー Remote control for SONY SACD player Applicable model: SCD-1
  • ソニー Remote control for SONY SACD player Applicable model: SCD-1
  • ソニー Remote control for SONY SACD player Applicable model: SCD-1
【2024秋冬新作】 ソニー Remote control for SONY SACD player Applicable model: SCD-1 ソニー
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【2024秋冬新作】 ソニー Remote control for SONY SACD player Applicable model: SCD-1 ソニー

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【2024秋冬新作】 ソニー Remote control for SONY SACD player Applicable model: SCD-1 ソニー
販売価格:¥7,820 税込


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Remote control for SONY SACD player Applicable model: SCD-1

 Remote control for SONY SACD player.
Applicable model: SCD-1

Custom-made, limited-edition remote control for vintage CD player. (Image 2)
A compact remote with all the essential functions, featuring only the most commonly used buttons from the manufacturer's original model (Image 1).
Its superior design makes it both easy to operate and handle.
"This is a brand-new remote control with an excellent bang for your buck,
ensuring decades of reliable use without issues common to older, original models from the manufacturer, such as the following:

・ Buttons require strong pressure to respond.
・ Some buttons don't work properly.
・ Battery terminals are rusty.
・ It only works when close to the player.
・ Battery drains quickly.
・ The back cover is cracked, causing the battery to fall out."

Customer Reviews ☆
M (Tokyo)
Since I began using this remote, my music-listening experience has completely changed for the better.
It feels like my fingers and the player are connected, and I can intuitively control everything. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Even when I’m enjoying music in a dark room, the remote’s white color means I never struggle to use it.
Since getting this remote, I've stopped using the manufacturer's clunkier version, with its overwhelming number of functions.

O (Kagoshima)
I used to have trouble immersing myself in music and soon got tired of the sound quality, and for some reason I kept buying new equipment right away,
but after getting this remote control, I finally calmed down. I was surprised how important it was to be free from the stress of difficult to operate the remote control!

K (Kanagawa)
The original remote control was difficult to use because the layout of the buttons was confusing,the PLAY and STOP buttons were far apart,
and there were many functions that I hardly use. I threw it out the window immediately after purchasing this.

S (Osaka)
The button layout is excellent, and although it's simple, it covers the essential functions such as repeat, display, time, volume, and program play.
It's convenient because I can perform the basics without even looking at the remote.
It has an aesthetic, high-end look to it, making it all the nicer to have. Thank you!

Recently, it has been getting harder and harder for me to see close up and it has become tedious to perform complicated operations.
This remote control is great because I can do most of the operations just by placing my thumb on the center of the remote control.
I bought it with the intention of using it as a sub-machine, but it has been used as my main remote control.

 non-standard-sized mail
 Yahoo! Simple Settlement(Detail)

Zenmarket.jp - buying service from Japanese online stores recommended by seller


Vintage 1999 SONY SCD-1 SACD CD Player Remote Controller Rare
Vintage 1999 SONY SCD-1 SACD CD Player Remote Controller Rare
Vintage 1999 SONY SCD-1 SACD CD Player Remote Controller Rare
Vintage 1999 SONY SCD-1 SACD CD Player Remote Controller Rare
Original Sony Remote Control RM-DS1 for SACD SCD-777ES SCD-1 Excellent  TESTED
Original Sony Remote Control RM-DS1 for SACD SCD-777ES SCD-1 Excellent TESTED
Yahoo!オークション -「sony scd」(リモコン) (オーディオ機器)の落札
Yahoo!オークション -「sony scd」(リモコン) (オーディオ機器)の落札
Remote Control for Sony' CFD-G50L RMT-CG70A CFD-G70 CFD-G70L RMT-CG550CPA  CFD-G555CP CFD-G555CPK RMT-CG700A CFD-G700CP CFD-G770CP CFD-G770CPK CD  Radio
Remote Control for Sony' CFD-G50L RMT-CG70A CFD-G70 CFD-G70L RMT-CG550CPA CFD-G555CP CFD-G555CPK RMT-CG700A CFD-G700CP CFD-G770CP CFD-G770CPK CD Radio



本日届き早速ビールのつまみにと頂きました。 調理は簡単に、横たえて寸法はだいたい0.5ミリくらいの暑さにカットしてアルミホイルに並べ胡椒、しょうがを入れ、オーブントースターで約2分加熱し飲んでいる間にしばらく放置して頂くと、とても美味しいおつまみになりました!

  • takataka7657
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  • ムクヤイフ
  • 36歳
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切り分けた時生で食べてみて、その鼻に抜ける香りのかぐわしさにビックリ。 火を通してみて、アブラの甘い味わいにまたまたびっくり…! ベーコンって旨いんだなあ…としみじみ。 お値段も「え!」という価格で…いいんでしょうか? また是非買いたいです。

  • チゲリス
  • 24歳
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  • HIKARI0817
  • 32歳
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前に利用させてもらった時にとても美味しいベーコンだったので今回購入させて頂きました。 やはり美味しいベーコンですね。 400gづつ梱包されているので便利です。

  • wang6331
  • 40歳
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早い対応で、安心しました。 キチンとした包装でした。

  • クリリンモリリン
  • 28歳
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長いのもあって凍っているので少々使いづらいですが、 味はいいです。

  • 1025M
  • 36歳
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  • クチコミ投稿 1件


500g555円でお得なベーコン切り落とし。 お気に入りのふくろう様、nekonekomico様、ゆっこtan様のレビューで知り気になっていました。 冷凍庫のスペースが不足していたり売り切れだったりでなかなか購入できずにいましたが、やっと購入できました。 5つに小分けして1つは冷蔵庫へ、残り4つは冷凍庫へ保存しました。 半解凍だとちぎれてしまったので、ほぼ全解凍してから小分けして再冷凍しました。 毎朝の食パンにチーズとのせてトーストしています。 薄切りベーコンで美味しかったです。 この店で買うときは必ずリピしたい1品になりました。

  • Koo.C
  • 44歳
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  • tsukky5722
  • 32歳
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美味しいはず。 寒い冬は買物に行くのも面倒なのでベーコンは常備してます。スープに入れたり、炒めたりと色々と用途があるのでたくさんあると便利です。

  • hanako332
  • 40歳
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